by credloc | Jun 19, 2023 | Asian Languages Localization
Quotation and test translation Having linguistic engineers and project managers and linguists in-house*, CREDLOC does not disclose the source documents the potential clients submit to us for any purposes. To further expedite processes of exchanging source documents...
by credloc | Jun 4, 2023 | Asian Languages Localization
As part of its language localization services, Credential Localization Services (“CREDLOC”) serves document translation, audiovisual localization (video translation) translation, website localization and bilingual DTP editing services in the bilingual language pairs...
by credloc | Apr 8, 2018 | Asian Languages Localization
Recent times have seen deliberate use of ‘translatese’ working effectively to some extent in certain areas of marketing in Korea; however, in the field of localization, transcreation, or creative translation, should always take precedence, and translatese...
by credloc | Nov 1, 2017 | Asian Languages Localization
In this series of posts, you will learn the little known, hands-on facts about Korean search market, guiding you through the right pathway of local SEM in Asia. How Dominant is Naver in Korea? In 2004, Naver took over the No.1 spot from Daum which now ranks local No....
by credloc | Jun 20, 2017 | Asian Languages Localization
자유역(Paraphrasing)을 멋지게 뽑아 낼 수 있으면서도 발주자의 정확한 의중을 알 수 없어 직역(Metaphrasing)으로 일관하게 되는 경우… 번역가라면 누구나 겪어보았을 법한 상황일 것입니다. 프로젝트 매니저와의 커뮤니케이션이 원활하지 못한 상황이거나, 발주자의 의중을 직접 묻기가 껄끄러운 상황에 처하였을 때, 번역가는 어떤 부분에서 어느 정도까지 자유역을 하면 될까요? 1. 문서가 발주처 내부 참조용이라면 직역, 타인의 이해를 돕기 위한 대외 회람용...