- Client bundles a collection of database from a Hospital Information System (HIS)
- DB contents created by both client and 3rd party developers
- Multi-language source (English and Korean, more than 20% of the source contents DEFECTIVE)
- Internationalization should be taken into account for multi-language localization into zh-CN, and ko-KR
- Client works Agileand localization processes must work well within that environment
- Localization and localization testing offered in one seamless solution, and managed by a single PM
- CREDENTIAL takes full responsibility for localization and testing
- Adaptable process put in place, taking HIS from internationalization through full localization.
- Process includes:
- The problem discovered, existence of defective sources (Korean and English both) that haven’t been known by anyone else before CREDENTIAL , was resolved by internationalizing the entire contents, while working within Agile environment
o Kick-off meeting to align expectations and responsibilities
o Responsibilities assigned for all steps
o Defined schedules
- Assured, consistent level of quality all across the HIS database into all target languages
- Structured localization and testing processes work seamlessly with client’s Agile implementation
- Client able to fully outsource localization and testing process to CREDENTIAL
See Also
Professional Translation Services
Industries Covered
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