One-day Translation Service Korean English - CREDLOC

Credential Localization Services_Credloc Logo_크리덴셜_크레드록In-house Express Translation Services for a daily turnaround – Project kicks off at 8AM KST

  • BY 8AM – Client sends the project manager the translatable source files (and, if any, reference files that need referred to by translator).
  • BY 9AM – Using the translatable source files, client-specific termbase and style guides accumulated and reference files, the project manager organizes a translation project that translators in the translation room can work on. Also done by the project manager is checking idling resources in the translation room.
  • BY 5PM – Translators in the translation room finish translating the source files that require daily turnaround.
  • BY 12AM or 8AM – Translators in the translation room finish editing and proofreading the translated files – which are now deliverable and picked up by the project manager for delivery.

Credential Localization Services_Credloc Logo_크리덴셜_크레드록In-house Express Translation Services for a daily turnaround – Project kicks off at 5PM KST

  • BY 5PM – Client sends the project manager the translatable source files (and, if any, reference files that need referred to by translator).
  • BY 6PM – Using the translatable source files, client-specific termbase and style guides accumulated and reference files, the project manager organizes a translation project that translators in the translation room can work on. Also done by the project manager is checking idling resources in the translation room.
  • BY 8AM – Translators in the translation room finish translating the source files that require daily turnaround.
  • BY 2PM or 5PM – Translators in the translation room finish editing and proofreading the translated files – which are now deliverable and picked up by the project manager for delivery.

See Also